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LACTAID combines the extracts derived from the belowgalactogogue herbs in right proportion. It increases the quantity and quality of breast milk in lactating mothers. It is very safe as it is a 100% herbal preparation.

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Bottle of 30 capsules

DOSAGE:1 to 2 capsules BID, preferably after meals.

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SKU: REF. LA-44 Category: Tag:

LACTAID combines the extracts derived from the below galactogogue herbs in right proportion. It increases the quantity and quality of breast milk in lactating mothers. It is very safe as it is a 100% herbal preparation.


This climbing plant is an important medical herb of tropical and subtropical India. It’s medical usage has been reported in Indian and British Pharmacopeia apart from the traditional systems of medicine such as yurveda. It is known for its phytoestrogenic properties. It has a rejuvenating effect upon the female reproductive system. It is traditionally used in women for overall health and vitality. This sweet and bitter herb can be used as a Galactogogue as it enhances the synthesis of prolactin and thereby activating the mammary glands to produce more milk.


This shrub flourishes in India, North America & Africa. The roots have been traditionally used as a herbal tonic. This use was supported by a paper published in the ‘Journal of Ethnopharmacology’, in 2000.  It boosts immune system, improve memory and promote overall wellness. Many of its elements are antioxidants. The root is notable for a steroid called withanolide which is anti-inflammatory. The herb is a anrevine tonic and can be given to lactating mothers as nutrient and health restorative.


This shrub is native to Southern Europe and is found growing wild in many Asian countries. The roots & stem is used as a traditional herbal remedy worldwide.  Nearly two third of all traditional formulas in Chinese medicine contain this herb. The major active ingredient Glycyrrhizin was isolated and shown to have a cortisone like action which explains its ability to reduce inflammation and speed up healing of ulcerative tissue. It has estrogen- the natural female hormone. Charakadatha used this herb in all of his medicines to lactating mothers and pregnant ladies.


Originally found besides the sea, fenugreek is a widely grown annual in India, North Africa and The United States. The seeds have a tonic effect, that helps to combat tiredness and speed convalescence. The main constituent of fenugreek is Mucilage, a soluble fibre. It also contains Coumarins (steroidal saponins), which has a hormone mimicking effect. It stimulates appetite by direct action on the nervous system. It contains considerable quantity of iron in an Organic form which enable to be readily absorbed. Traditionally it is used in diet in India to increase the flow of milk.


The long and central leaves of garlic give it its name which means spear plant in Anglo Saxon. Main active component is the Sulphur compound allicin. The bulb also contains phenols-antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. Minchin, a famous scientist advocates intake of garlic by pregnant and feeding mothers, which improves digestion resulting in weight gain by both baby and mother. The combination of garlic and fenugreek works as a galactagogue.


Bottle of 30 capsules


1 to 2 capsules BID, preferably after meals.


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